The Power of Gadgets for Young Generations

In 1994, right before Steve Jobs was about to launch the Ipad and iPhone revolution. He had an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine about his view. How is technology could empower young people and change their lives? 
In that interview, Steve Job stated that technology is nothing. What important is that you have faith in young people, that they are smart, if you give them the right tools, they will accomplish great things with them. For nowadays young generations, the advent of gadgets may be one of the most crucial technological development in recent years. Kemkominfo data (2018) shows that the number of gadget users in Indonesia is approximately 100 million users and keeps on growing till today. Currently, Indonesia is the fourth-largest smartphone market worldwide after China, India, and the United States. Gadgets give access to various sources of information. It has become the most favorite media literacy tool for young generations. However, people are becoming aware of its drawbacks. The most crucial one is a hoax that spreads through gadgets features. Wawan Purwanto, director of information and communication of BIN (2018), said that 60% of internet content is full of hoaxes. Despite the negativity of gadgets as tools that spread hoaxes via the internet. More than just a source of information, it has the power to improve young creativity and skills through their features, such as the skill to create, to speak out, and to influence other people.
In the first place, creativity is the ability associated with the skill to create, as creativity is needed to build something good for others. Nowadays, being creative is easy because there is a lot of inspiration that one can acquire through the internet. Internet helps to become a creator by providing a lot of information that could inspire to find a fresh idea. There are things that young generations could freely learn through the internet, especially on social media. Social media sites like YouTube are known as platforms that many young generations have used to learn something new by watching their videos.
In the second place, gadgets are helpful to provide a place for young generations to speak out their opinions toward social issues, with its features, social media. In short, social media is to mobilize young generations to speak out, amplify their ideas, and get connected to make social change through a movement. Connecting with others and doing positive campaigns is easy. You can do it on sites like: and
Lastly, to influence others, young generations need soft power diplomacy, the ability to influence people in subtle ways that are associated with intangible assets, such as attractive personality, culture, and value. Gadgets with their social media features give the young generation chance to influence other people. Who are attracted by their social media profile when their contents are interesting. A concrete example of the successful use of social media as a platform to influence is the profile created by influencers, who are mostly still young, on Instagram. It could be travelers, beauty, fashionistas, or culinarians bloggers. From whose profile people recognize their personality, culture, and value. So they come to know how to do or choose something due to young generations recommendation as influencers.
In conclusion, there are a lot of advantages for young generations provided by gadgets. However, prevention against the glut of information is needed. Media literacy can become a suitable solution toward this affair. It makes young generations aware and fully capable filter out the source of information they receive. It all starts by empowering them with media literacy.
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